Waste Management Services

Waste brokerage serves as a link in the waste management supply chain, helping your business find appropriate solutions for their waste disposal needs. The process typically involves several steps.

Waste Assessment

The waste broker assesses the type, quantity, and characteristics of the waste generated by the client. This includes determining whether the waste is hazardous or non-hazardous, recyclable, or non-recyclable.

Finding Appropriate Solutions

Based on the waste assessment, the waste broker identifies waste management companies or facilities that are equipped to handle the specific type of waste. This may include recycling facilities, disposal sites, composting facilities, or treatment plants.

Negotiating Contracts

The waste broker negotiates contracts and terms between the waste generator and the waste management company. This includes pricing, transportation logistics, disposal methods, and any necessary legal or regulatory compliance.

Managing Logistics

Waste brokers often handle the logistical aspects of waste disposal, including arranging for transportation, coordinating pickup and delivery schedules, and ensuring that all necessary permits and documentation are in place.

Ensuring Compliance

Waste brokers help ensure that the waste disposal process follows all relevant regulations and environmental standards. They may provide guidance on waste classification, labeling, and documentation to comply with national and international waste management regulations.

waste management monitoring and reporting

Monitoring and Reporting

Waste brokers may provide ongoing monitoring and reporting services to their clients. This can include tracking waste volumes, recycling rates, and environmental impact, as well as providing documentation for regulatory compliance and auditing purposes.